Monday, April 10, 2017

Meat & Potatoes

Now that we've got that moving surprise out of the way, let's talk some more internet friends.

Alright, we're still a little on the moving thing.

Let's be fair though, moving 30 minutes away into our first home that we own is not like a small single blog post kind of event.

I'mma be selfish. Let's talk about ME! Because it's my blog about our life, and it turns out I'm a large (haha! fat!) portion of that.

Enough fluff, lady! Meat and potatoes, please!

Well, since you said please.

And meat and potatoes it has been.

Meal planning has been, to say the least, not a priority. Budgeting is always a priority especially after scraping the bottom for a home. (A damn nice one if I do say so myself) What's a stressed out, bottom scraping, house...fiance? to do?

Pork chops. Instant mashed potatoes.

I have gotten shockingly adept at cooking a flavorful and juicy pork chop. Good enough in fact, that my "flavorful" ranch mashed potatoes were exceedingly bland in comparison. In this house, adding flavor usually means adding calories. SO I FREAKING DID. Tony has a physically demanding job, so why not? I make sure he gets the larger portion of the meal because of it. Leftover mozzerella cheese, parmesan, more ranch, and seasoning salt.

Seasoning salt is magic. MAGIC. It's like the bacon of seasonings. Throw it on anything. TADA! BETTER FOOD. More salt... but BETTER FOOD! Yay! *confetti toss*

Really though, pork chops and mashed potatoes have been a life and wallet saver on a good number of meals already. Pork chops I can get 4 for under $5 and I always have a box of cheap, instant mashed potatoes.

Don't cringe at my cheap potatoes, they're better than the individual packets. The ingredient list usually only includes one thing. Potatoes.

Tony gets his veggies in, but I (not so) sadly don't. I don't include that in my description of meals because I quite honestly don't care. Vegetables and I have not become friends, I imagine we will not be friends for a while yet.

A hearty and cheap meal on backup has been really great for me. I can't tell you how much crap I have to sort through and organize in the house taking up my time. On top of that, I've picked up an addiction. A certain citrus soda of some dewy range that's highly caffeinated. I decided to kick it because A: It's an expensive (legal) addiction. (I mean it's not like it's crack. Then again I'm not sure how much crack rocks go for either so...?) B: It's terrible for me and mostly importantly C: I actually don't even really LIKE that soda. I needed a carbonated and cold drink and it was there. Now it's STUCK to me, dammit.

For 2 days, I've been trying to kick it. I. Want. To. Die. Figuratively of course. I already suffer from chronic migraines, so this has been hell. The reason I can even look at the screen to type now? I broke down and took some Excedrin Migraine. That's right. I've even held off on Excedrin for 2 days of migraines. Normally taking some for a migraine is fine, but as it has a caffeine aid in it, it would NOT be a good idea when you're trying to kick the level of jacked up I've been. Vomiting my guts out wasn't really a good idea either so I took it.

Alright I took it with a chocolate eclair, so sue me.

It was such a shame to be dying on the couch today though, as the temp sat over 60 F and was a great opportunity to clean up all the twigs in the yard and yank some weeds out of our landscaping. Our neighbor puts my landscaping enthusiasm to shame. The man already has all of his landscaping raked out, weeded, and re-mulched. AND he did it already last week. I on the other hand have been considering if I would like to put on pants and go outside.

Side note: I am a cave troll. This is just something I need to deal with. In our home, I am a sloppy nightshirt wearing, hair a rat nest in a poor excuse for a pony tail, cave troll. Do not knock on the door if you are expecting some nicely made up, polished house-wifey type. Or don't knock at all really. If we don't expect you, we don't answer. End note.

I did accomplish one tiny thing today. I pulled the bag of potting soil out of the trunk of the car. MHHMMMM. That's right. We're getting ready to plant. Since there won't be a full-fledged garden this year, I'm container gardening and we're starting with bell peppers. So stay tuned for our dirt adventures.

I'm excited. Are you excited? If you aren't, that's a shame. And also, dirt adventures are like... 50% of this blog, what are you doing here?

We love you anyway. :)

picture provided by PEXELS

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