Posted from 8/10
Hello friends, let's take some time and
talk about TIMING because dear God is that a pain.
unsuspectingly had to pick up a little over time which means SURPRISE
So it seems I'm channeling Tony's
cravings because I said “tuna casserole” and he lit up and
exclaimed his recent craving for fish. (Well tell me, fool and then
I'll know! Lol) So let's get a recipe!
“Mom, can I have your recipe for
tuna noodle casserole?”
“Well, um, you use..”
“No no, just the recipe.”
don't have one.”
0.o …. “erm, what?”
“I do it from memory the way my
mother taught me.”
Sweet! That's alright with me, but
I'm writing that business down. I'm sorry, I just can't remember that
sort of thing yet.
I'm missing just a couple of ingredients
so I plan to wake up at a set alarm time the next day and go briefly
shopping. My round trip took maybe 20 minutes... but when you wake up
and hour late? Let's just say I have no need for a gym membership
today. Booking it in the kitchen is something I hate, but the
alternative is Tony trying to explain to his boss the reason he's
late is that his ladyfriend couldn't get the *expletive* tuna
noodle casserole in the oven on time.
Time. Running out of time.
Everything's home now, put the water on to boil.
No clean pots, not
one. Maybe I should have allowed a little time for dishes? Clean the
pot, start the water. Sweet, okay. Maybe I should wash a casserole
dish and the pasta strainer while I'm at it! No problem.
Drain the tuna, drain the peas. So I have this new fangled
can opener. It's the kind that breaks the glue seal and produces no
sharp edges which is really nice... except when you need to drain
what was in the can. I can't press it in! What do I do? I dorked
around with the lid for a while but ultimately I ended up pressing it
out with my fingers. Peas were easier.
Cat. One of the cats has
caught wind of what I'm draining. Cue the caterwauling and the
tripping me up. No really, thank you tiny friend, I needed to trip
repeatedly in the hot kitchen today. And thank you for the crying,
you've attracted the other cat who, as I found out today, isn't
actually interested in tuna, she just wanted to know what was
Noodles are done! Drain those things and GO! Crap, I
forgot the cans of tuna and peas directly in the sink. Time to
balance the hot cook pot with one hand and fish those puppies out
with the other.
Throw it back in the pot, mix in the cream of
Dear river of cats around my feet
(there are only two but gee golly it feels like more when they're
around your feet), to satiate your nom propelled curiosity, I make
this offering of a cream of chicken lid.
Mix all that crap up, go
dump it in the casserole.
Turns out, neither are interested in
cream of chicken (divas!) and I've stepped just over the lid and it
has now plastered to the inside of my pant leg and is glazing itself
to my ankle. Can't stop! I have an alarm in my pocket that has been
going off for 2 minutes and that casserole WILL GO IN!!
So it's
in, I run to the base of the stairs and wake Tony. Wake Tony, yell
frantically up the stairs to Tony, whatever.
Relax, calm down. You
just made it in with enough time for it to cook and be out with 20
minutes eating time...
You forgot the foil on top. Yank it out,
throw on the foil, shove it back in. Beautiful. Still good. Now just panic
for a while for no good reason. Also, go clean your leg, you
Food! It's food. Finally. Phew.

scoop up a wad because, let's face it, that's how tuna noodle
casserole comes out, and give it to Tony and this fool is smiling
like he's never seen food before.
“Why are you smiling like
“I just really love you”
Ah, tuna noodle
casserole, the food of love.
So let's talk about that timing
thing. I'm so horrendously terrible at it. Meal planning is so
completely not my thing (yet). So usually here I am with an “Oh I
know!” plan dejour and am missing the ingredients to fulfill it. I am
usually missing the proper cookware not because I don't have it, but because I haven't washed it. I
cannot explain the level of loathing I have for washing dishes. I
really have to pump myself up for it, or be driven to it out of
necessity through either needing them, or needing them not to start
molding. Gross.
Planning meals means planning more than the food,
it means planning your other chores, augmenting your day, and making
sure you stay on schedule. Sure, you're home, but timing matters here
just as much as a job outside the home. So maybe, if you're absolute
garbage staying on schedule at home, you can see that at least once
in a while, if you bust ass, you can still nail it - even with a
furry river around your feet.