Monday, August 22, 2016

Easy Day, Small Wins

Posted from 8/13
It's been 3 days and we have subsisted on leftovers and a day where we went out. I got caught up in the nothing zone for Tony's day off and the next day I got caught in it again. We discussed what exactly we're doing. I have been feeling like I can't really set that kind of working schedule in the house if this isn't permanent or at least extended. We decided this is extended so now I'm able to get into the swing of it. Part of our conversation included such lovely phrases as
“That's a really open ended question.” “LIFE is an open ended question, motherf****!!”
“I love our life. It's a great life if not slightly weird”

So far today has been a short but good day. I have drive because we know what I'm doing. I got up, made Tony some hot spaghetti and used my passata and mixed in some herbs and spices to make a homemade sauce. I enjoyed it, Tony seemed to enjoy it and then in our special way we buried it under parmesan cheese.

Now it seems like something so small but let's cover the fact that after dinner I washed the dishes we used immediately. It's a small victory, but a victory nonetheless. It didn't decrease the amount of other dishes I still have to wash, but it made sure the pile didn't get bigger, they were super fast to clean and it made me feel better about myself. As far as improving our lives goes, this tiny step is an undeniable win.

After the dishes, I headed out to the garden. I was a weeding machine. Why? Because my potatoes finally wilted down and it was time to harvest! Not only did I get a little pile of potatoes, I harvested a nice slicing cucumber, a new pile of romas, and my first little eggplant. My eggplant is a Fairytale dwarf variety, so it's a little one.

I cannot explain the amount of effort that can get put in to working in a garden. It is rewarding, it is back breaking, it is dirty, fun, sometimes a huge pain in the ass and then at the end of it all, you get a meal. Sometimes the meal you prepare can be underwhelming because of your (or my) personal culinary shortcomings and even when that happens, it's still a good meal because you know the work that went into your food. There's a whole new appreciation if you grow your own food.

1 comment:

  1. It might help to let a sinkful of the dishes soak over night to make them easier to wash and help with working on the pile.
